Back to the writing practice. I don’t even want to look at how long it’s been.

It really is true – it’s not about how many times you fall down, it’s about how many times you get back up.

I’ve already abruptly stopped this a few times. Personal chaos, bad habit creep, and now war.

All of these things have been excuses to stop doing the core things that I want to be doing.

I could have used the fact that I’ve already slipped to say ‘fuck it’ and entirely give up. That’s when the massively negative self talk comes in:

“you’re no good”

“you can’t stick with anything”

“your writing is bad anyway”

But today I didn’t let that win. Today I got back up, got out of bed early, journaled, did my gratitude practice, and exercised. And I avoided milk in my coffee which gives me brain fog.

Those simple things that are sometimes so hard to do, when it feels like all I want to be doing is doomscrolling about Israel-Palestine. Or using the fact that I slept poorly as an excuse to sleep in and not exercise.

All of these things compound in either direction – good or bad. It can be tough to break the cycle and turn the tide back to good.

But as long as we keep trying to break the cycle. As long as we keep getting back up….

This post feels kinda shitty. I guess I better practice again tomorrow 😉