1 full week since my last post! Tsk tsk, not good.

I went to a wedding out of town last weekend and I think I just finally recovered.

It’s incredible how easily thrown off I get from routine, and the difficult habits (often those with the highest reward) are the ones that get tossed first.

I learned a couple of things from this hiatus:

  1. There’s no reason that I couldn’t have blogged while at this wedding weekend or while recovering. Even to write about those topics themselves would have been sufficient. My inspiration for this blog is in large part Seth Godin‘s blog. His posts are often quite short – just a few sentences.
  2. I like to let loose and party, but I’m starting to reach the age where the bad feeling I have from missing workouts and blogging for a few days is worse than the good feelings of partying. And are they even that good? There was definitely a way to have fun at the wedding and stick to my commitments to myself.
  3. This return to the page has helped me synthesize the above thoughts about this. And that is a lesson in and of itself. The page helps. It’s helping me think, and moving me forward. Long live the page.