Oh gosh, what to write here! I’ve dabbled in blogging over the years, but never sticking with it. Fred Wilson of Union Square VC blogs every day. Paul Graham says if you can’t write you can’t think – or something to that effect.
Sure this is what the world needs, another white techie guy blogging. Well, fuck all ya’ll. And I promise I’m more multi-dimensional than that. You’ll see.
I intend to write on this blog to help me. Purely for selfish reasons. It’s Aug 17, 2023, Rosh chodesh Elul – the first day of the Hebrew month of Elul. Which is exactly one month before Rosh Hashanah, the first of the new year.
Rosh chodesh, the start of a new moon, is for me a time of renewal. It’s another chance. It’s fitting that today I write my first blog post in years. It was a coincidence.
Just write. Just start. Just put words on the page.That’s the hardest thing.
I’m currently reading The Artist’s Way – some of it is brutally moronic. But on the whole I think it wakes you up to the fact that we all have creativity inside of us. And it is divine to express it.
Don’t nitpick that word divine – call it the universe’s unique expression of atoms that led to me, and only me, who could write this post. Fuck AI.
This blog is for me. It’s to help me become a better writer. A better thinker.
Should it have been a VLOG? Or whatever the fuck they call that these days? Maybe. I have an interesting, wannabe Richard Brandson-type look.
For now, I want to develop this practice and hone this skill.
I honestly thought this would be the “About Me” for the site, but it turned into a Hello World type of post. I managed to link a couple of other blogs, reference some Jewish stuff, and link a book for which I can maybe get some affiliate marketing dollars. Hooray!
Sorry if you come across this – you really don’t have to read it. But I have to write it.