I started saying this in my head recently and it really works.
This technique is kind of like a gratitude technique but it’s much more interesting. Gratitude is almost passive. Thinking that you’re fucking cool is a much more active approach to being present and interested in everything going on in your day to day life.
I really mean to actually think “my life is really fucking cool and the fact that I’m doing the thing I’m doing right this very second, or dealing with whatever problem this is right now, is really fucking cool and I’m cool and this is a cool person’s life that I’m living”.
I haven’t yet experimented with this theory at the funeral of a family member or in the hospital or during a divorce, so it has a few stress tests that need to happen before it is officially out of beta.
But for now it seems to work and I love thinking it. Even about mundane things. And it has nothing to do with what society thinks is cool, or even what I think is cool.
I’m sitting here and ‘blogging’, and typing on this computer – it’s raining outside and I just had coffee. Fuck that’s cool. I think I’m partially zooming out and looking at myself like I’m in a movie and I’m the main character. This is the ‘blogging at the desk while it’s raining outside scene’ and it’s fucking cool and so many people wish they could be doing it.
It’s a work in progress. And the fact that I’m working on thought processes that make everything I do cool, is it fact fucking cool as hell.